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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

We are Designers

Design and Technology

Mrs Rachael Cousins

At Hasland Infant School we teach children how products are designed and made.

Our Design and Technology curriculum is designed to keep up with and reflect an ever changing world. It is our intention to enable the children to move with these changes and be the people that influence change in the future. 

Through Design and Technology our children acquire a broad range of subject knowledge. They draw on disciplines such as mathematics, science, food and nutrition, engineering, computing and art as part of the Design and Technology curriculum. 


Design and Technology enables the children’s ideas to come to life. As designers they explore new techniques, they problem solve and they evaluate to improve their own, and other people’s ideas and products. They learn to take risks, experience trial and error and learn from making mistakes. Ultimately our children will become resourceful, innovative, enterprising and capable citizens.


Our Design and Technology curriculum will enable our children to:


  • Draw on their own and other people's experiences to generate ideas.

  • Develop their design ideas through discussion, observation, drawing and modelling.

  • Identify a target audience for what they intend to design and make based on a design criteria.

  • Make templates and mock ups of their ideas in card and paper or using ICT.

  • Select, name and use tools and materials safely.

  • Evaluate their work against their design criteria.

For more details on all the creative and exciting ways we cover Design and Technology in Reception and Key Stage One see the below document. 

Design and Technology

For more information on Design and Technology further documents are attached below.

Design and Technology in Nursery


Our nursery children are introduced to their new setting and the Nursery environment. In Nursery children have access to provision linked to design and technology on a daily basis. Children have freedom to choose in these areas and are supported by adults in their use of materials and tools. These opportunities provide the foundations to the Design and Technology curriculum.

The children begin to explore construction areas both inside and outside:

  • Block play
  • Interlocking bricks like duplo and sticklebricks.
  • Clipboards, design frames, pencils and rulers
  • Tools and tape measures.
  • Books
  • Hard hats and hi-vis jackets

Inside the children also begin to explore their junk modelling area which includes:

  • Cardboard/paper/boxes etc.
  • Variety of mark makers
  • Left handed, right handed, craft scissors and easy grip scissors
  • Hole punches
  • Masking tape





