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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

Uniform Information

Our School uniform is as follows:-

Navy sweatshirts, cardigans, jumpers, fleeces
• White shirts/polo shirts, blouses
• Grey trousers/skirts, pinafores
• Children should wear black, flat sensible shoes suitable for outdoor learning


In the summer we suggest blue and white check dresses for girls, which can be purchased from local stores and grey shorts for boys who wish to wear them. 


Please name all items of clothing.


Please click on the following link to open the website for our school uniform supplier 'Just-school wear': 

Hasland Infant and Nursery School Uniform  

You can order items to be delivered direct to your home address for a small charge or to school free of charge. Orders placed after 30th June for delivery to school will not be dispatched until September. 


Parents are also free to purchase school uniform without the logo from any local source.


PE Kit

PE kit can be purchased from the school office or 'Just-school wear' website.  Parents may purchase shorts and T shirts from any local source (white T shirt and black or navy shorts). Trainers are not acceptable footwear for indoor PE.


When it is your child’s PE day we would like them to come to school wearing the correct PE kit.   You will find out which day your child is doing PE when we return in September.

Your child will need:

  • Black or Navy blue jogging bottoms / leggings
  • Black or Navy blue shorts
  • White t-shirt
  • Navy blue jumper (this can be your child’s school jumper/cardigan – no jumpers or hoodies with large colourful logos please)

Black trainers (preferably without a colourful logo)

Children will no longer need plimsolls



Children are not allowed to wear jewellery or watches. However, children with pierced ears may wear small plain studs only (teachers will not remove or insert earrings). Children should not wear any earrings on PE days.


Labelling Uniform


We ask you to label ALL uniform, water bottles, bags, coats, shoes and anything else that your child wears or brings to school. This means we can easily return lost items to your child. 


We are registered with Stikins, a company producing simple name labels for schools.  Our unique number is 9078 and we receive a donation to our PTFA for all orders who use this number.


We also have a code for Stamptastic who produce name stamps. Again, we receive a donation to our PTFA for orders placed via this link.
