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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

We are Artists

Art Subject Leader

Mrs Sarah Cresswell

Our Curriculum Intent

At Hasland Infant School, we will teach our children how to appreciate art along with skills and knowledge which enables them to use art to express their own ideas. As artists, we want to look at art and design as an area for creativity and individual expression where children are able to recognise their own talents and abilities and feel pride in their finished work. Our high quality art and design education engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Through teaching an effective art and design curriculum we aim to improve children’s ability and confidence to control materials, tools and techniques. We aim to develop their independence, resilience and perseverance skills in order to improve and evaluate their own work. As our children progress through Nursery to Year 2 they should be able to think critically and develop a clear understanding of art and design. Our teaching provides an understanding of all of the areas of art and design.  This includes drawing, colouring, texture, 3D form, printing, pattern and historical significance including studying the work of different artists, whilst allowing the children exposure to different media in order to develop new skills. We want our children to know how art and design reflect and shape our history, culture and creativity.

Click on the link below to view documents related to art. These include The Art Policy and the key knowledge grid.

It is always great to hear the children in our school talk about Art.


Here are some of the tings they had to say...


'I love art because it is so much fun! Drawing is my favourite thing!' (Reception)


'We are all artists because if you look around the school, we all have art work on show so it is like we are all famous.'  (Year 1)


'I just love it! It makes my worries go away, it makes me happy.' (Year 1)


'Mrs Cresswell...there is a famous artist in our classroom!! I am so excited!' (Dave Gee visit) (Year 2)


Chesterfield In Bloom - Local Art Competition


As a school, we entered a local painting competition 'Chesterfield In Bloom'. The brief was 'Glorious Grass, take a journey of discovery into the long grass and see what you can find.'


All classes took part in this competition and every child submitted an entry. As a school. we did extremely well! Grace Richards (Year 1) was awarded 1st place  and Anna Shine (Year 2) was awarded a Highly Commended award in the Reception to Yr2 category. Grace and Anna did extremely well as the Chesterfield Borough Council received over 700 entries from 11 schools across Chesterfield.


Both girls were then invited to visit the Printing studio Bannerbox in Stavely to see their artwork being transferred onto banners ready to be displayed outside the Town Hall.


This was then followed by the unveiling the banners at the Town Hall where the children took part in a prize giving ceremony with the Mayor. They were then given the opportunity to visit the Mayors parlour. It was a fantastic experience for them!


We were extremely proud of each and every child as all of the artwork was finished to a very high standard.

Chesterfield In Bloom

Whole school art displays - Inspirational Artists


We are always looking for new inspiration when it comes to Art!  We feel our school displays are a great place to showcase our wonderful, creative, bright artwork for everyone to see and it is a great place for our artistic skills to be celebrated. Every class chose a different artist or designer they found interesting, they studied this person and created some beautiful artwork inspired by them. Lots of us tried new things and some of us practised skills we had already learned. We had fun looking at similarities and differences between the artist’s work and that of our and our peers in our class. It was great seeing the links between these artists and designers and us as artists and designers! We all did a fantastic job!

   Hasland Infant School - 'River of Hope' 


‘The River of Hope’ formed a central part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The Queen has always shown a great love and respect for the natural environment. Young people from around the world were encouraged to think about the importance of safeguarding the future of their own natural environment. Here at Hasland Infant School we have thought about what our hopes are for the next 70 years. Every year group chose a different theme based around our changing planet. Reception chose to concentrate on the Rain Forests, Year 1 chose the Arctic and thought about endangered animals and the melting polar ice caps and Year 2 chose to concentrate on the changes in our oceans. We hope that humans change their ways so more and more animals can be protected. 

This was a very successful project and our school corridors were a great place to showcase our wonderful, multi media artwork.

Artist collaborations


Dave Gee (Dave Draws) is a doodle artist originally from Chesterfield now living in Manchester. Dave specialises in creating doodle maps of towns and cities all over the world. Dave draws these maps onto walls for companies and in schools, hotels and restaurants. Dave has created work for BBC Sport, ITV, Channel 4, Marks and Spencer's and Marriott Hotels amongst others.'


Here at Hasland Infant School we have been lucky enough to work collaboratively with Dave to create maps of Hasland and London! We have created a large map of Hasland, which is displayed in school. This was done 2 years ago by Dave and our past Year 2 pupils. Recently, our Year 2 children have worked with him again to create a map of London to support our 'Around the UK' topic. The children thoroughly enjoyed this experience and learned a lot about what it means to be an professional artist.

Multicultural Week 


Rainbow Weaver by Linda Elovitz Marshall.



High in the mountains of Guatemala, young Ixchel yearns to follow in the long tradition of weaving beautiful fabrics on backstrap looms, just as her mother, grandmother, and most Mayan women have done for more than two thousand years. But Ixchel’s mother is too busy creating and preparing her weavings to sell at the market. If the weavings sell at a good price, they will have money to pay for Ixchel’s school and books. And besides, there is not enough extra thread for Ixchel to practice with. Disappointed, Ixchel searches for other weaving materials. First she tries weaving with blades of grass, and then with bits of wool, but no one would want to buy the results. As she walks around her village, Ixchel finds it littered with colorful plastic bags. There is nowhere to put all the bags, so they just keep accumulating. Suddenly, Ixchel has an idea! She collects and washes the plastic bags. Then she cuts each bag into thin strips. Sitting at her loom, Ixchel weaves the plastic strips into a colorful fabric that looks like a beautiful rainbow— just like the weavings of Mayan women before her. Inspired by the talented Mayan craftspeople, Rainbow Weaver is a sweet celebration of tradition, resourcefulness, and creative recycling.

This story was truly inspiring for all of our children and we created some wonderful art work to show how we interpreted the story and the messages behind the story. Our Nursery children explored mark making with bright, vibrant colours and even had a go at some real weaving together on a large loom. Our Reception children used different colours and textures to create their own woven rainbows and our Year One children had a go at creating some beautiful paintings inspired by the vibrant, bright patterns you find in traditional weavings. Year 2 studied the work of some traditional Guatemalan art and  they created a large, collaborative piece all together. This artwork has been celebrated on our exhibition boards in the school hall for all to see! We are very proud of what we created by working together.





Whole school Remembrance Day 'Poppy Art'.


Every year, at Hasland Infant School we celebrate Remembrance Day. We remember all the brave people and animals who lost their lives during the world wars. One way we choose to celebrate this important time is by decorating our school corridors with 'poppy art'. Every class, from Nursery to Year 2 choose a different style of art and create a class set of poppies. Each child creates their own piece of art and although they are following a brief, every piece of art is different, individual and reflects the different skills and abilities of every child.

Chesterfield In Bloom


This year we were pleased to be invited to take part in Chesterfield In Bloom which is a local art competition.

This year’s brief was based around the Commonwealth Games. We had to explore a floral take on ‘Perry’ The Commonwealth Games Mascot playing a sport of our choice.

Every year group and class took part in this competition and produced some very imaginative artwork. 

We are very proud of all the children who entered and we are delighted to inform you that Oscar in Class 9 has been awarded 1st place.

Oscar's work has been printed and is now exhibited outside the Town Hall in Chesterfield alongside the other winners form other Chesterfield schools.


Well done Oscar and all of the artists at Hasland Infant School. What a fantastic job you all did!

Chesterfield In Bloom


This year we were invited to take part in Chesterfield In Bloom which is a local art competition.

This year’s brief was based around Climate Change with a floral focus on bees as pollinators.

Every year group and class took part in this competition and produced some beautiful artwork. This is now exhibited in our school hall.

We are very proud of all the children who entered and we are delighted to inform you that Arielle in Class 2 has been awarded 2nd place.

Arielle’s work has been printed and is now exhibited outside the Town Hall in Chesterfield alongside the other winners form other Chesterfield schools.


Well done Arielle and all of the artists at Hasland Infant School. We are so proud of you all!

Lockdown Art Competition


'A view from my window'


The theme for the lockdown art competition was ‘A view from my window’.


The children at home could use ANY media they had access to, to create a piece of artwork which represents the view from their window.


We gave the children lots of ideas of how they could approach this exciting task. They could create a representation of:

  • The actual view from their window at home.
  • An imaginary view from they window (e.g. a window into their dreams)
  • The view they wanted for the future when they look out of their window.


It was completely up to the children what they wanted to create! As a school, we thought this theme was perfect for this competition as we were all spending more time at home and there are so many different views from our own windows.


Prizes were awarded for entries from children in each year group (including nursery.) There were also two extra prizes – one for the best submission from a grown up at home and one for the best submission from a member of staff at Hasland Infant and Nursery school. This meant everyone could get involved, no matter how young or old!


We were overwhelmed by the entries and we were very proud of the exhibition we created in the school Hall. This was also celebrated in our local  'Hasland' Magazine.

Topic Art


Our Autumn topic in Year 2 (Cycle A) this year had been ‘Heroes and Villains’.


First we learned all about the Great Fire of London and we did a fantastic job at creating observational drawings of Tudor timber framed houses using charcoal. We created different shades and tones. We also created some wonderful collages creating scenes of a London skyline using hot colours and different textures. This was inspired by Monet and his Houses of Parliament paintings.

We then moved onto 999 and the emergency services. We studied our finger prints with magnifying glasses, then we recreated our prints using sketching techniques. We then made a tile with string to print our own finger prints.

Our Autumn topic in Year 2 this year had been ‘Heroes and Villains’.

First we learned all about the Great Fire of London and we did a fantastic job at creating observational drawings of Tudor timber framed houses using charcoal. We created different shades and tones. We also created some wonderful collages creating scenes of a London skyline using hot colours and different textures. This was inspired by Monet and his Houses of Parliament paintings.

We then moved onto 999 and the emergency services. We studied our finger prints with magnifying glasses, then we recreated our prints using sketching techniques. We then made a tile with string to print our own finger prints.

This Spring in Year 2(Cycle A) our topic was ‘Wonderful World’ we went on our travels. We travelled around the world in 80 days! We went to hot and cold countries. When we studied India we created our own Mehndi patterns and had fun making Rangoli patterns with floor tiles and beads. When we studied Alaska we created some stunning Northern Lights using chalk pastels and cut out templates to create the mountains. We then recapped our knowledge of ‘Hot and Cold’ colours and created some beautiful collages using a variety of different materials and textures.

This Summer in Year 2 (Cycle A) our topic has been ‘Amazing Adventures’. We have been learning all about different endangered animals and in particular orang-utans, pandas, polar bears and elephants. David Attenborough has helped with our learning and we have learned all about his life and the amazing adventures he has been on. We studied portraits and in particular the work of Rosalind Freeborn. She uses lots of different paper and textures to create portrait collages and we did a fantastic job of creating our own portraits of David Attenborough in this style. We also had a go at some pencil observational drawing and used our knowledge of symmetry to complete some animal faces! We also studied the work of Frann Preston-Gannon who illustrated the book we have been looking at this term ‘The Journey Home’. We had a go at recreating some of her illustrations using oil pastels. We did a fantastic job!

A wide variety of art.


We are extremely proud of the art work that our talented little artists produce throughout their time here at Hasland Infant School.  The children are continually working on different skills and are building on previous knowledge with new knowledge, allowing them to be successful artists using different medias, whilst learning different styles. 
