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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

Cultural Capital

Cultural Capital


Educational visits and Links


At Hasland Infant School we continually evaluate the variety of opportunities we provide for our children, to ensure that they are diverse, interesting and relevant to both the curriculum and the children’s lives. 



NurseryWe encourage all parents to be actively involved in their child’s learning from the moment they start in our school.  Our special events such as our ‘Pancake Races’, ‘Easter hat parade’ and ‘Sports Day, Picnic and Graduation’   provide the chance for parents to come into Nursery and experience something special with their child. During the Spring term the children have Tadpoles and Caterpillars in Nursery to learn about and observe.  At the end of the year we also arrange a trip for the staff, parents and children to visit Chatsworth Farm and Playground.  
ReceptionBikeability come into our school to work with our children to develop balance and coordination using balance bikes.  The children visit Chatsworth to take part in the Christmas Nativity.  In the Summer Term the children visit the Butterfly House as part of their topic ‘What would I see on a trip down the Amazon’
Year 1As part of our newly developed curriculum the children in Year one adopt a penguin and visit the Yorkshire Wildlife park.  Every year the children visit Matlock Farm park to take part in the Christmas Nativity. The children have the opportunity to take part in an after school sports club.
Year 2

Every year the children visit The Pomegranate Theatre’ to see see a live performance of the Christmas Pantomine.  The children visit The National Space Centre or Cadbury’s World depending on their class topic.

The children have the opportunity to take part in an after school sports club.

All Year Two children are given the opportunity to go on residential  visit to Ravenstor.
Links to the community

The Fire service visit Year 2 children to discuss the dangers of fire and how to keep safe. 

The School Choir perform at the School Fairs and the Local Care home every Christmas. 

Key Stage one children visit the Church for special events and The Year Two children’s Christmas performance takes place there. Representatives from local churches visit on a regular basis to lead particular assemblies.

The Harvest collection is donated to the Local Foodbank.

The School’s Council hold one meeting per year in the Council Chamber and representatives from each year group attend the annual Remembrance event.

We utilise our local area to ensure the children have a knowledge of their local area and the opportunities within it. A local artist comes to work with the children in Year Two to support ‘doodling’ as part of map making.

We have road safety workshops delivered to each year group each year.

All year groups take part in fundraising for different causes such as Samaritans Purse, Red nose day and Children in Need.


