Welcome to the Governor section of Hasland Infant and Nursery School.
The Governing Body works hard to support the school in being the Best it can Be. We strive for every pupil to achieve their best and support all the staff who work with them to do this.
The core functions of the Governing Body:
The Governing Body is fully aware of its responsibility with regard to pupil safety and wellbeing through varied Department for Education and Local Authority policies. Governors attend appropriate training to ensure they are compliant with the latest Safeguarding requirements.
The school is governed in accordance with the legal requirements for a community school by a Governing Body of up to 12 governors.
These include:
The full Governing Body meets at least termly. In addition there are Children and Learning/Community Links and Resource sub-committees. The Governing Body is responsible, in consultation with the Headteacher, for the conduct and curriculum of the school, standards and achievements of the school and other matters relating to the way in which the school is directed and managed.
Nominated LINK Governors liaise, at least termly, with curriculum co-ordinators and year group co-ordinators. Reports from these Governors are presented at the full Governing Body meetings.
Governors attend Parents Forum meetings; School Council meetings; school events and Parent/Teacher events. The Governing Body is fully committed to supporting the school and encourages all parents and carers to liaise with the Governing Body, the school staff and The Friends of the School to make your child’s time at Hasland Infant and Nursery School the best it can be.
The Governing Body can be contacted through the Clerk (Mrs Daykin) via the School Office.
Barbara Arrandale
Chair of Governors