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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

An introduction to Reception

We would like to offer a warm welcome to Reception at Hasland Infant School.  For some of you this will be the next step of your journey in Hasland Infant School after attending Hasland Nursery, for others this will be the start of your adventures with us.


Reception Classes

Reception is made up of 4 classes; The Helpful Hares, The Happy Hedgehogs, The Brilliant Badgers and The Delightful Deers. Your child’s Reception year will start in the September after they turn 4.


Teaching and Learning

Our Reception learning environments are busy, exciting places with lots of interesting things to do.  Every class has daily access to both indoor and outdoor learning areas giving the children lots of opportunities to play and develop their skills and understanding. Our learning environments are carefully planned and set up with activities to help us to learn new skills and practice and embed what we have been taught.  


Please click on this link to find out more about Reception at Hasland Infant School.



At Hasland Infant and Nursery school we are extremely proud of our bespoke curriculum.  It exposes our children to vibrant, exciting experiences, whilst also immersing them in progressive knowledge and skills through a carefully planned approach. We believe all children are entitled to a good education and that the term ‘education’ is broader than academic success, but also incorporates wider ambitions.

In Reception we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) set standards for learning, development and care in line with Government requirements.  The areas of learning covered are:

  • communication and language
  • personal, social and emotional development
  • physical development
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • understanding the world
  • expressive arts and design

These areas are further broken down into 17 strands and Early Learning Goals (ELG’s).


Please click on link to see these goals and their area of learning.


Our curriculum supports the development of the whole child, so they become kind and respectful children who are confident, resilient and curious life-long learners. We provide children with a safe learning environment, where highly skilled practitioners support the children to form strong and secure relationships. Children feel valued and are comfortable to take risks with their learning as a result. Our Reception Children follow the Topics and themes are carefully planned across school to capture the children’s interest and imaginations.

We recognise the huge importance that speaking and listening skills play in children’s future success both academically and socially. Language and communication, alongside high quality phonics and early reading are the heart of our curriculum.



Assessment in Reception


Reception Baseline Assessment                                                                                                 

Every child in England will complete the statutory Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA), which must be carried out in the first 6 week of your child starting school. This assessment will provide a snapshot of where pupils are when they start school, establishing a starting point to measure the progress they have made by the end of Year 6.

The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) includes assessment activities for maths development and communication and language development and last no longer than 20 minutes. Our Reception teachers have started to work one to one with your children to carry out the baseline in a child friendly way. They will continue to complete these activities with the children over the next couple of weeks. It is important to note that this is not a pass or fail assessment but instead the results will be used to inform us of your child’s next steps in their learning.


Please click on this link to find more information about the Reception Baseline Assessment.


Early Years Foundation Stage Profile

The main purpose of the EYFS Profile assessment is to support a successful transition to

year 1. It informs year 1 teachers about each child’s stage of development and learning

needs and help them to plan the year 1 curriculum to meet the needs of all children. The

EYFS Profile is also used to inform parents and/or carers about their child’s

development. (Early Years Foundation Stage Handbook, DFE Oct 2023)

The EYFS Profile assessment is broken down into 17 Early Learning Goals. The Early Learning Goals are the end of Reception Year statements that all our children will be assessed against. Those children who meet all the criteria under each area of development are said to be ‘working at Expected Levels’ and those who haven’t met the goals are said to be ‘emerging’.




Children are defined as having reached a Good Level of Development (GLD) at the end

of the EYFS if they have achieved the expected level for the ELGs in the prime areas of

learning (which are: communication and language; personal, social and emotional

development; and physical development) and the specific areas of mathematics and

literacy. This helps to understand broadly what a child can do in relation to national



Partnership with Parents

We value parents as partners and recognise the importance of good home school relationships to your children’s development. We work closely with parents and carers to build and nurture these relationships to ensure the best possible start for your child within our school.

We develop positive relationships with parents through:

  • Our transition arrangements
  • Home visits
  • Parent information evenings
  • Parents consultations
  • Phonics Open Mornings twice a year
  • Termly activity open mornings
  • Parenthub
  • Reports
  • Open lines of communication including, face to face discussions, phone calls and emails.

For more information on what to expect at each stage of your child’s learning and how you can support you child please see attached guide.



Behaviour and expectations

In Reception we promote the SMILE expectations to support positive behaviour. These are:

Successful learners

Marvellous manners

Independent thinkers

Love for learning

Everyone matters

We spend time explaining this in a child friendly manner and working with children on how we can achieve them.


Please click here to view our policy.


