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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

We are Good Citizens

PSHE & RSE Subject Leader

Miss J Bush.

At Hasland Infant and Nursery School PSHE and citizenship play an important role helping to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead healthy, confident and independent lives. The understanding of right and wrong is taught, along with responsibility to others and the environment we share.

We think it is important that children understand what healthy lifestyle’s both mentally and physically look like. We want our children to form positive and respectful relationships. The teaching of PSHE will help the children understand they are valued and have an important part to play in society. The teaching of PSHE will help children identify and manage their feelings and take responsibility for their own actions and behaviours. We are committed to teaching that bullying is unacceptable by focussing on friendship. Children who leave our school will be confident and respectful, valuing other people’s opinions and beliefs.

Please click on the link below to view our policy.

PSHE Long Term Overview

SMILE expectations

Children at Hasland Infant School are expected to follow the SMILE expectations. 


Successful Learners

Marvellous Manners

Independent Learners

Love for Learning

Everyone Matters


At the end of each day, a child that has demonstrated some or all of the SMILE expectations that day will receive a Smile Superstar award to take home. Every month, a child who has modelled these consistently will earn a Star of the Month award. Their parents/carers will be invited into school to watch them receive the award.

Kevin the Kindness Bear

Modelling kindness is very important at Hasland Infant School. We believe everyone matters and should be treated with respect. Children who demonstrate kind behaviour may receive a Kindness Heart. An adult is school will write on it describing their kind behaviour and the heart will be put on Kevin the Kindness Bear so everyone across school can see and celebrate it.

Hasland's Brightest Gems

Children are put into one of four teams:

Each week we choose a school rule and discuss what it means in both assembly and during class time. Children are given a team point if they are following the rules but they are also given points for other things. At the end of each week the team scores are displayed in the hall and at the end of each half term we have a special assembly and the team with the most points are given a treat. This could be extra playtime, a chance to use some of the PE equipment or an activity the children have chosen. Our teams are called:


  • Dynamic Diamond
  • Radiant Ruby
  • Terrific Topaz
  • Excellent Emerald


Together we are ‘Hasland’s Brightest Gems’.

Our Playground Promise

Each day before playtime and lunchtime, we say our Playground Promise to remind us what great playing looks and sounds like. If a class follows the Playground Promise at lunchtime, they will earn a star. If they earn five stars in one week, they will be rewarded with a biscuit on a Friday afternoon.

British Values

At Hasland Infant School, we are taught the British Values:

  • Rule of Law
  • Democracy
  • Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Those With Different Faiths or Belief
  • Individual Liberty


Our whole school display helps us to understand what the British Values look like in our school. Our Smile Expectations and Kevin the Kindness Bear help us to make the right choices and know right from wrong. We often vote when making decisions and our school council representative can voice our class opinions. This year, we have learned all about Guatemala during multicultural week. Learning about other cultures helps us to develop our respect and tolerance towards those with different faiths or beliefs.

Keeping Safe

We have displays around school to remind us of the people that keep us safe. Each Monday, children attend an assembly with a safeguarding focus.
