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Hasland Infant and Nursery School

An Introduction to Our Nursery

Our Nursery


Welcome to our Nursery. We are very proud of our caring and nurturing environment and can offer you and your child a wonderful welcome into Hasland Nursery and Infant School.


We are a vibrant and busy 104 place Nursery offering 15 and 30 hour funded places to children the term after they turn 3.


We welcome visits to Nursery and are happy to answer any questions prospective parents may have.

Intent – Teaching and provision


At Hasland Nursery we want every child to be the best they can be. For this reason we strive to create opportunities for children to learn in a safe and fun environment. We provide language rich environments through high quality interactions with staff, extending vocabulary, language rich texts, nursery rhymes, use of Makaton and Tales Toolkit. We are a nurturing and inclusive Nursery with high aspirations for all children. We get to know the children extremely well and in doing so we help to develop their individual talents.

We are always adapting and evolving in order to provide the best for your children.

It is our aim that each space in our provision provides opportunities for children to develop and learn. Our spaces are thought out with the intention for purposeful play that can be supported by high quality teaching moments.

Above all everything is sprinkled with some awe, wonder and a little bit of magic.

We aim to support children in developing their:

  • Curiosity and intrigue
  • Independence
  • Confidence and self esteem
  • Passion for learning
  • Language and Communication skills

Our indoor spaces:


  • The book nook
  • Nursery rhyme space
  • Tales Toolkit story tellers corner
  • Quiet story space
  • Investigation area
  • Water area
  • Creative space
  • Junk modelling area
  • Maths area
  • Funky Fingers and playdough area
  • Writing area
  • Construction area
  • Loose parts area
  • Calm space and friendship tree


Plus we have the peacock room that is used for group times and lunch times for full time children. We also open this space up when it is needed.


Outdoor learning


We value the opportunities that come from outdoor learning and have worked hard on creating a wonderful space for children to explore outside. Outdoors we have developed the following areas:

  •  Climbing frame
  • Physical/obstacle area
  • Role play shed
  • Writing shed and area
  • Upright writing spaces as well as flat
  • Construction space
  • Small world
  • Maths area
  • Creative space
  • Bikes and scooters
  • Music space


SEN and additional needs


At Hasland Nursery we know that all children are different and therefore have differing needs. As such we are fully inclusive and work hard to meet the needs of all learners. We have high aspirations and will work to support all children to achieve their best.

Examples of the support that can be utilised alongside high quality teaching are:

· Makaton

· Speech and Language programmes of support

· Speaking and listening groups (Talk First/ECAT)

· Gross and fine motor support (Squiggle while you wiggle/dough disco)

· Bucket time

· Box work

Your child’s day


  • Nursery opens at 8.40 and children are greeted at the gate by a wonderful member of our team.
  • Children self register.
  • During the morning/afternoon the children are then free to explore indoors and outdoors – this is where the magic of learning through play happens.
  • Children will sit with a small group and a member of staff during this time to have snack and milk/water.
  • Within a morning and afternoon session there are 2 group times that are focused on phonics, maths or topic.
  •  On a Friday we have PE in the hall.

How will we record your child’s progress?


Over the year we will collect incidental observations of ‘Wow Moments’ your child has had in Nursery. These will be added to your child’s learning journey and shared with you at parents evening. However, we encourage staff in nursery to get to know the children and it is through this and our approach to supporting children in the provision that we truly see your child’s progress.

In addition to this every week from Autumn term 2 we have focus children, known as our ‘Wow Workers’. We identify things we think they need support with or their next steps in learning and

then during that week all staff will record incidental observations of the learning taking place and how they have been able to extend it. At the end of the week we will share a copy with you and provide next steps for us to support in Nursery and at home.

How do we engage with home?


As a staff we truly value the benefit of strong links between home and nursery. We develop and build these links through

- Transition visits

- Open evenings 

- Parent meetings

- Home visits prior to start date.

- Parent Hub

- Open lines of communication

- Our presence on the gate in the morning and after nursery

- Open mornings

- Our special bears that go home with a different child every week

- Wow workers

- Parents consultations

Behaviour and expectations


In line with the rest of the school we promote the SMILE expectations in nursery. These are:

Successful learners

Marvellous manners

Independent thinkers

Love for learning

Everyone matters

We spend time explaining this in a child friendly manner and working with children on how we can achieve them.
